Martial Artists! Difference fighting people larger/smaller than you?

Short Cadet
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Martial Artists! Difference fighting people larger/smaller than you?
post #1

How do you have to adjust yourself in fighting larger or smaller opponents? I want to get into Tae Kwan Do and have asked but those who I've asked act oblivious to height as if it doesn't matter. I can't imagine it does.

Short Knight
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Re: Martial Artists! Difference fighting people larger/smaller than you?
post #2

I havnt had the most issues with people taller than me, since im a fair amount stronger than the average male, and i've done gymnastics for many years when i was young, so my balance is on point, thus im impossible to lay down.

The only difference is when he is much heavier than i am.

Currently im 155 lbs, and only have trouble when fighting one of my friends at 265lbs.

If they however work out its a different story.
My advice, do fitness to compensate for your lack of height. 


Height have advantages and disadvantages in fights, you just have to learn them smile