Which area in the U.S. will a short guy have the most dating success?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Duration: 31-Jul-2025
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Which U.S. city would you say is best for short guys looking to date?

Short Cadet
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Which U.S. city would you say is best for short guys looking to date?
post #1

For those who travel and have lived in different cities around the U.S., or maybe you have had success in your city and haven't traveled; which city would you say is the best look for shorter men.

I'd say NYC is a great place to be a short guy. There is plenty of competition and height queens of course, but with a very diverse population of 8 million (both ethnically and height-wise), it is not uncommon to see a 5'3 guy with someone attractive.

For the poll, I added regions, but when you answer, please mention the city, state and why.

What say you?

P.S. - I know Florida is a part of the south, but it is culturally different from the rest of the south IMO.

Short Knight
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Re: Which U.S. city would you say is best for short guys looking to date?
post #2

I'd say Miami. NY is a close second. A lot of Latinas in the Miami-Dade area are tiny. If you speak Spanish, are in good shape and are a fun person, you should get along just fine.

The Midwest though? A definite no-go. A lot of German stock out there and some of the tallest blacks I've ever seen.

Short Baron
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Re: Which U.S. city would you say is best for short guys looking to date?
post #3

Great post. I'd say the northeast hands down.

The big cities like NYC, Philadelphia, Norwalk, Bridgeport, Hartford and Baltimore all have high concentrations of shorter women.

In all of the aforementioned, I see shorter men paired up regularly.

I'm from NYC and like Buncome said, there is a lot of competitions and you'll run into a lot of height queens, but the odds are way better. 

Short Vassal
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Re: Which U.S. city would you say is best for short guys looking to date?
post #4

New York or Newark hands down. Big Hispanic and Mediterranean population in both cities. Even the ADOS populations are on the shorter side.


Short Knight
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Re: Which U.S. city would you say is best for short guys looking to date?
post #5

+1 for the Northeast. New York, Philly, Trenton, Holyoke, Camden, Newark, Norwalk, New Britain, you can find lots of shorter women .

I'd say stay far away from Atlanta (south) or any of the cities in the midwest.