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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
site name change inquiry

hello, im new here. came across this website because of a watermark on a meme.

love the site, not a fan of the name.

i've always found the term 'short king' as derogatory.

its patronizing, condescending, and is a mockery to short men.

3 435
Sat Nov 02, 2024 07:22 AM
Bookmark posts

Quick idea ..

I would like to be able to bookmark/favorite/save forum posts.
Which you then can find on your own profile if you ever want to re-read or need sources for a future debate.

This will save your own browsers toolbar, since, at least for me, this forum is anonymous and i dont want people in my life to find out, that i let out all my feelings and have issues.

1 1,796
Sat Dec 16, 2017 08:49 AM
by admin12
Easy forum, Easy life

Some changes I personally would like, and i think that many would agree


- Login

Every time open the site you have to login, Instead just make it login when ever you open the site like facebook or almost every other forum. You also get rid of the annoying "sight up" popup.


- Captcha

Logging in with a captcha is fine, but at least make it so you dont have to every single time, maybe once a week. Or just when signing up. There is not really any need for it once you have signed up, especially not with an active admin staff.


- Posting new topics

When you post new topics, that is either very long, or you decide to take a break to return. It will either log you out, or tell you that you do not have permission to post even when logged in, deleting the 20 minutes of text and consideration.


- Edit limit

Apperently there is a limit on how many times you can edit a post?


- "Do you want to create a poll?"

For unknow reasons 99% of the topics do not have a poll in it, so why even have that as a requirement when posting and not just as an extra feature as uploading a picture.

1 1,751
Mon Jul 24, 2017 06:44 AM
by admin12
Started by Catman

I noticed that sometimes I will miss out on a post or thread that I did weeks ago because I forgot about it and by the time I go to answer, it seems pointless. Is there a way to maybe make notifications better?

2 2,517
Fri Jul 01, 2016 04:20 PM
"Friends" Option?

I see on other forums there is a place where you can be "friends" with certain people and see when they are on or offline. You think something like this can be added to the site? I think it is a nice feature. Even just being able to see an online now list would be great. 

2 2,753
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:45 PM
Issues signing in

I am not sure if it is just me or not but I noticed that sometimes the Capcha(???) thing code whatever doesn't work. Like I type it in and know it is right, and it tells me it is wrong. Any ideas on this? Is it my browser?

2 2,512
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:31 PM
by Spider
Another section?

Well maybe not a section, but a tab option. We currently just have "dating", can there maybe be something for people who are in committed relationships, married, ect? 

0 2,314
Mon Sep 14, 2015 03:20 PM
The layout here has to change


You cant click a username and see his past posts.

The quote feature is... just a few empty lines after a cut and paste?

4 4,046
Fri Aug 07, 2015 08:32 AM
by admin12
Just wanted to say...

I have enjoyed this forum a lot. I appreciate the blog posts, the members, and wanted to just say you (admin/owner) are doing a great job. Hat is off to you. 

0 2,892
Fri Jun 05, 2015 09:21 PM
by Dale
A little feedback


For some reason my introduction thread went weird. I started a thread to post an introduction, yet for some reason there is, what looks like a spam post, above my post in that thread.

Also when I filled out my profile I wasn't able to enter my real height. The choices went straight from 4,10 to 5 foot. I'm 4,11.

Looks good otherwise!

1 3,688
Wed Apr 16, 2014 06:50 PM
by admin12
Posts : 2202 Replies : 7216 Last Post By TheMog

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