Site name change inquiry

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site name change inquiry
post #1

hello, im new here. came across this website because of a watermark on a meme.

love the site, not a fan of the name.

i've always found the term 'short king' as derogatory.

its patronizing, condescending, and is a mockery to short men.

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Re: site name change inquiry
post #2


Originally posted by RustyTheDoomer

hello, im new here. came across this website because of a watermark on a meme.

love the site, not a fan of the name.

i've always found the term 'short king' as derogatory.

its patronizing, condescending, and is a mockery to short men.

Hi @RustyTheDoomer  Thanks for joining ShortKingz!

The term "Short King" was originally meant as a term of endearment and celebration, and that is one of undertones of Short Kingz.

"A short king isn’t just any male-presenting person of modest stature – it’s someone who has the strength of character to flourish in the face of conventional male beauty standards."

The above quote is an except from a March 21, 2021 blog post from the site "Evolving Folks Project". You can find that post here.

Your dissatisfaction with the term is most likely due to observing those who have little respect for shorter guys either way use it as a dismissive term, and thus you have internalized the term as having that negative connotation. These dismissive attitudes have existed long before the term "short king" entered pop-culture.

We on the other hand love the term and and view it only in it's positive and initial intent, which was to celebrate, inspire and motivate. "Short Kingz" wasn't our first branding, but it's where we landed, and we will continue to move forward with investing in this brand and are very confident about it.

Thank you for your concern, and thank you for being a part of this wonderful online community.

Short Knight
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Re: site name change inquiry
post #3

IMHO, it's a little wild to log in only one time and then tell an entire website to change it's whole brand without offering to help, invest or even at the very least give a suggestion.

Short Squire
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Re: site name change inquiry
post #4

I have to disagree. I've been on this site through its several branding changes and think the current is the strongest and should stick.

Kudos to the owners of the site for making this amazing and unique space on this corner of the web.