Woman falls in love at first sight with homeless man. Guess why?

Short Vassal
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Woman falls in love at first sight with homeless man. Guess why?
post #1

Woman Falls In Love At First Sight With Homeless Man Guess Why? | Height Thirst | Short Men | Short King | Short Kingz

Woman Falls In Love At First Sight With Homeless Man Guess Why? | Height Thirst | Short Men | Short King | Short Kingz

Woman Falls In Love At First Sight With Homeless Man Guess Why? | Height Thirst | Short Men | Short King | Short Kingz

Woman Falls In Love At First Sight With Homeless Man Guess Why? | Height Thirst | Short Men | Short King | Short Kingz

It must be because the guy had a really rad personality...

Short Squire
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Re: Woman falls in love at first sight with homeless man. Guess why?
post #2

I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Remember that video about that 6'2 homeless guy in NYC who said he was had a "rotation"?

Not to judge, but it's wild what a few inches extra in your femurs will get you.

Short Vassal
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Re: Woman falls in love at first sight with homeless man. Guess why?
post #3

I didn't even have to read the article or see those excerpts to know 😂

Short Lord
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Re: Woman falls in love at first sight with homeless man. Guess why?
post #4


Originally posted by TheMog

I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Remember that video about that 6'2 homeless guy in NYC who said he was had a "rotation"?

Not to judge, but it's wild what a few inches extra in your femurs will get you.

This is the guy you're talking about.