How realistic is it for a short man to pull a very attractive woman who finds him attractive and likes him for him?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Duration: 01-Jan-2027
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How realistic is it for a short man to pull an attractive fit woman?

Short Vassal
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How realistic is it for a short man to pull an attractive fit woman?
post #1

There are enough posts and threads online about women using men they don't find attractive or keeping them in the friend zone at best online.

At the same time, there is the mythical short player that everyone keeps bringing up as a counterpoint to the "woe is me" short man.

Well, for the users here, how realistic do you think it is for a short man to pull an attractive fit woman who likes him for him.

This is not to ignore women who are less attractive, but the idea here is that the woman in question doesn't feel that they are compromising.

So what are your thoughts? Vote in the poll and put in your two cents.

Short Baron
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Re: How realistic is it for a short man to pull an attractive fit woman?
post #2

I'll bite. There are too many factors. 

In my opinion, it comes down to:

• Looks
• Proximity
• Interests
• Education Level
• Class
• Finances
• Fitness
• Charisma

I do not consider myself to be that "mythical" short guy, but I've done well. The women I've done well with were into me not just because of looks (I have what many would consider to be a handsome face), but also because of my interests (piano, jazz, opera, gaming, tech), ability to hold conversation, and that I am very fit. The women I chat up tend to be classy and have a similar education level.

This does NOT mean that I am winning 100% or even 50% of the time, but I do put myself out there.

Now if I were an overweight slob who didn't dress well, stayed inside all day and had little ambition, yeah, there would be no chance in hell.

So I am saying "very likely" if a lot of those other parameters are left. Still, I'd say to keep your expectations in line.

Receiving a yes one out of twenty times is still better than not pursuing at all and sitting on the couch. 

Short Knight
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Re: How realistic is it for a short man to pull an attractive fit woman?
post #3

If you're made of money or famous, then "very likely".

If you're average, then it's possible, but not realistic I'd say. You'd have to make some kind of compromise.

Either she is chubby, a single mom, extremely disagreeable or has financial problems and needs an unspoken safety net.

That's where you come in. The clean up guy who gets last dibs. 

Most short guys that I know who have a woman usually falls into one of those categories.