Member Profiles: TheLastInch
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- TheLastInch
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Recent Posts From TheLastInch
She was nice to him, but you can tell she was faking it the entire time.
Topic: Four foot four gentleman gets second date with woman on dating show
Post #1
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Views: 179
Re: Women upset at short men in the workplace.
Thread Starter
Who knows how the people at work view you.
Who knows if all of these "mythical angry short men" are just regular Joes who are trying to go about their day.
We'll never know...
What we do know is that heightism is there.
Yep, the hate comes from all sides.
Topic: When Ann Coulter dismissed presidential candidates due to their height
Post #2
Replies: 1
Views: 132
Floyd was without a doubt the greatest boxer ever and all we get in a snarky voice is, "why do we care so much about little guys".
Shows that to a lot of women, height is always what matters first.
You can only imagine what her response would be if the same comment were about female athletes by male news anchors.