Member Profiles: TheLastInch
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- TheLastInch
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Recent Posts From TheLastInch
A whole video just to contradict what her main message was "trying to be".
"Height doesn't matter", "just be taller".
"Don't be rich", "just have lots of money".
She says, "she found it difficult to make it past a second or third date".
And that's the difference between us. She was able to get a date.
Like many of them, they are pissed that they aren't taken seriously and can get only a "few nights of fun" from the men that they really want.
But, they can't lock these guys down...
She confirms this when she actually says, "I guess a lot of the guys I met weren’t serious.". Yeah, they weren't serious with you.
Let this happen over a period of years (in her case, decades) and not locking down who they want begins to take an emotional toll on them.
And then there's us, the ones who are supposed to be "so grateful" that they "finally lowered their height requirements".
If they don't get out of here with that bull lol.
Saw this on another social media platform.
They say that we have communication problems.
She didn't have the guts to tell him this to his face.