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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
0 36
Tue Sep 03, 2024 04:41 AM
Lady with 5'4 husband acknowledges society's attitude toward short men

Give her credit where due. No gaslighting, no personality-checking, just acknowledgment and not letting it have any influence on the love and attraction to her partner. 

0 30
Tue Aug 27, 2024 07:05 AM
Man wants to find out where height isn't a dealbreaker.

There is no need to break the news to this fellow. Life will teach him. 

0 57
Tue Aug 20, 2024 08:31 AM
Woman says short men have no choice but to compensate for their height

Complete with a chart. Bitter and brutal, but giving her credit for not going the "complex" route or blaming shorter men for their experiences.

1 114
Mon Aug 12, 2024 01:19 PM
Women in 1967 interviewed about what they find attractive in men.

Can you guess what the number one or most bought up physical trait was?

0 63
Sat Aug 10, 2024 08:55 AM
Short guy stigma

One hundred percent relatable. 

5 146
Wed Aug 07, 2024 09:24 AM
Millennial talks about how dating has changed in the last 10 years

Has to be an older millennial or perhaps younger Gen-X discussing from his point of view, how dating has changed drastically from the 2010s to the 2020s.

1 70
Sat Aug 03, 2024 07:30 AM
6'4 therapist reflects on late growth spurt and how he was treated

Very insightful video from a level-headed tall guy who didn't let his ego cloud his judgment on the how and why about the way people treated him changed after he grew taller so late in adolescence. 

1 85
Sat Aug 03, 2024 07:07 AM
Conversation between two female co-workers in the break room today

I was on my lunch break and had my air-pods on listening to some 70s soft rock (I love the band "Player"). These two women who are very cordial with me, Italian, were sitting across from me eating and talking about their husbands, comparing them to other men they've dated. Both were talking about how they were with men that much shorter than their husbands in the past, but how they "somehow" ended up with tall men. Their husbands are 6'2 and 6'4 respectively. They "claimed" that t height wasn't much of a factor when they were dating.

Then the best part. They both started talking about how safe they feel around their partners , but then brought up how they didn't have much going for themselves but their height. The other woman said the same about her husband. They compared how their exs were outgoing, charismatic and charming, but how their husbands don't feel like they have to do much and are boring by comparison.

This made me think about how much some are willing to trade for height, even if subconsciously, that it would mean so much more than the positives they listed about their previous partners.

Now they didn't talk about why they broke up with their exs, but I would bet a month's salary that it was for something petty or overblown.

0 78
Tue Jul 30, 2024 08:03 AM
Man reflects on being 4'3.

Came across this post on Reddit and wanted to share. I do like that many of the commentators showed empathy.

You can this Reddit post here

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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