What the top 1% get away with

Short Squire
Height: 5'5
Location: Manhattan, United States
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What the top 1% get away with
post #1

I have this female friend. She met this guy at a some event she went to. She said she took him back to her place the same evening, but "nothing happened". She then said she felt like she was taken over mentally, like how she was under a spell because she would never take someone back to her place. Afterwards she talked about how she eventually ghosted the guy but is now scared because he knows where she lives.

I know this person pretty well. She plays hard to get often and has orbiters who she'll call to use for things like giving her rides to get groceries, or picking up her dry cleaning. The orbiters, I know one of them and he's a short guy.

Anyway, I asked her the platinum question - "How tall is he?".

She said. "I don't know, about 6'4". Then she got quiet and changed the subject.

See, she did this because her and I have talked about height before, and after that conversation, she avoids talking about height when the topic of dating comes up. She got quiet because she was able to put two and two together, perhaps realizing that "spell" was a byproduct of his height. I'm pretty sure she left some important details from that story.

Whenever I hear stories similar to this, the guy is always without question, tall.

Another woman I know was in a relationship with a guy who she'd always brag about being 6'7. She eventually left him because he kept cheating, even though she would give the guy threesomes regularly.

One day she was talking about how angry she was because right after their break up, her two supposed best friends were trying to date him. She cut them off.

To this day, both still talk about those guys.

How nice it must be to be tall. 

Shorter guys get upset about something and it's "Napoleon complex", "I gave a short guy a chance".

These dudes can run through a whole cheer-leading squad, knock other women up, cheat on their girlfriends with their own best friends, and still they're still secretly wanting to be with them.