Reminder to not be thirsty. Make sure you practice discipline.

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Reminder to not be thirsty. Make sure you practice discipline.
post #1

Especially for you younger short guys reading this post. This just popped up on my YouTube feed. It's a guy reviewing some woman telling her viewers how she caught an incurable STD. One thing in this video stood out to me. 

She said at 23:00, "You might feel like, 'I don't want to be rejected, I don't want to talk to a guy and tell him that I have an STD and them not want to talk to me anymore. Rejection is something we fear so much, that we don't even realize that..."

The amount of selfishness on her part only because she doesn't want to be rejected.

Now there is no comparison, but when that "How tall are you question" comes up online, you know what may come next, but we have to disclose that because height is important to women, but there is no life altering health destroying result that comes with being a short man. 

In this case, that thing she might withhold due to rejection could destroy your life.

The whole point of this thread is that rejection is just the reality of all men, tall or short. We deal with rejection all of the time. On the other hand, one rejection, even from a guy a woman doesn't like can really bruise their ego. 

In any case, don't let your lack of options cause you to just take anything to get some play! Protect yourselves out there. You have one life. Don't make it anymore complicated than it is!

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Re: Reminder to not be thirsty. Make sure you practice discipline.
post #2

Listen at 32:50 where she says, "it might change your options... but not in a bad way", "It really hasn't made it to be that... I don't have many to choose from".

Look at how hurt she is saying that.

But I bet you if she didn't have that STD, she'd be out there judging every guy on their height and physique like many others do out there and making that a part of her criteria to entertain someone. Heck, I bet she still does!

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Re: Reminder to not be thirsty. Make sure you practice discipline.
post #3

She is indeed selfish and I cosign the message of this thread. If it's one thing us men (and anyone really) should take extremely seriously is our health.

There is too much emphasis on slaying. There are a lot of "casualties" on the dating market and people who get caught up in this can get desperate for companionship. Some may not care because they feel as if they got short-shrifted. 

A thirsty non-select guy is the worst. Don't be someone who gets got!