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Especially for you younger short guys reading this post. This just popped up on my YouTube feed. It's a guy reviewing some woman telling her viewers how she caught an incurable STD. One thing in this video stood out to me.
She said at 23:00, "You might feel like, 'I don't want to be rejected, I don't want to talk to a guy and tell him that I have an STD and them not want to talk to me anymore. Rejection is something we fear so much, that we don't even realize that..."
The amount of selfishness on her part only because she doesn't want to be rejected.
Now there is no comparison, but when that "How tall are you question" comes up online, you know what may come next, but we have to disclose that because height is important to women, but there is no life altering health destroying result that comes with being a short man.
In this case, that thing she might withhold due to rejection could destroy your life.
The whole point of this thread is that rejection is just the reality of all men, tall or short. We deal with rejection all of the time. On the other hand, one rejection, even from a guy a woman doesn't like can really bruise their ego.
In any case, don't let your lack of options cause you to just take anything to get some play! Protect yourselves out there. You have one life. Don't make it anymore complicated than it is!
Clearly the taller man didn't have a weight advantage. That definitely helped the shorter cop. Still, it all goes back to knowing how to defend one's self and how to move on the offense. I know that tall guy's ego was smashed.
I agree with minilinebacker. If you have a son, then self-defense, karate, etc. is a must. Even if you're an adult, this is an important self-preservation skill.
Did a bit of noodling around online after watching a documentary about Edmund Kempner who was 6'9 and found that the majority of mass murderers with few exceptions (i.e. Charles Manson, famously listed as 5'2 but was actually a bit over 5'6) were all quite tall, as in significantly taller than average. Any idea why that might be? And isn't it interesting that us shorter men are the ones typically portrayed as being "angry men"?
Here is a quick list:
1. Edmund Kempner (American Serial Killer) - 6'9
2. David Long (Thousand Oaks Shooter) - 6'
3. Dyland Klebold (Colombine Shooter) - 6'3
4. Patrick Crusius (El Paso Walmart) - 6'
5. Randy Stair (Weis Market) - 6'2
6. Trey Sesleer ("Mr. Anime" of YouTube) - 6'6
7. Robert Gregory Bowers (Pittsburgh Synogouge) - 6'
8. Vladislav Roslyakov (Crimean High School Shooter) - 6'1
9. Jeff Weise (Red Lake Shooter) - 6'3
10. James Huberty (McDonalds Massacre, 1984) - 6'3
11. David Sonboly (Munich Mall Shooting) - 6'3
12. Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma City Bomber) - 6'3
13. George Sodini (L.A. Fitness Shooter) - 6'
14. Aaron Alexis (Navy Yard Shooter) - 6'1
15. Charles Joseph Whitman (Texas Tower Sniper) - 6'
16. Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook Shooter) - 6'
17. Stephen Paddock (Vegas Shooter) - 6'1
18. Mark Orrin Barton (Atlanta Day Trading Firm Shooter) - 6'1
19. Rex Heuermann (Gilgo Beach Murderer) - 6'4
20. Kenneth McDuff (Broomstick Murders) - 6'4
21. Richard Kuklinski (American Contract Murderer) - 6'5
22. Paul Durouosseau (Mass Murder American Southeast) - 6'6
23. Sergei Vasilyevich Ryakhovsky (Moscow Killer) - 6'6
24. Elias Abuelazam (Flint Michigan Serial Slasher) - 6'5
25. Keith Hunter Jesperson (Happy Face Killer) - 6'7
26. Richard Ramirez (Los Angeles Night Stalker) - 6'1
27. Jeffrey Dahmer (Milwaukee Cannibal) - 6'1
28. Joel Rifkin ("Joel The Ripper) - 6'2
29. David Ray Parker (Toybox Killer) - 6'2
30. Dennis Nilsen (Kindly Killer) - 6'1
31. Stephen Port (Grindr Killer) - 6'3
32. Levi Bellfield (Bus Stop Killer) - 6'1
33. John Allen Muhammad (Washington Sniper) - 6'1
34. Randall Woodfield (I-5 Killer) - 6'1
35. Ian Brady (Moors Murder) - 6'
36. Paul Barnardo (Schoolgirl Killer) - 6'2
37. Glen Edward Rogers (Cross-County Killer) - 6'
38. Arthur Shawcross (Genesee River Killer) - 6'
39. Larry Eyeler - (Highway Killer) - 6'
40. Robert Black (Scottish Serial Killer) - 6'2
That is quite the extensive list. And I know there are exceptions, but the vast majority were tall or at the bare minimum, slightly above average. This list could easily hit 75 if I started at 5'10.
I'm not talking about your typical short jokes, but rather the blatant disrespect mean-spritied "jokes" or off-the-cuff comments directed at you to belittle you or convey inferiority relative to everyone else. These are the type of comments that someone would make and then play it off as "a joke". I've read on other forums (reddit for one) where they advise you to "embrace" the humor and "accept that you are short". I think this is misinformed.
By self deprecating you invite more ridicule. I usually will tell someone straight up that I don't find jokes like that humorous, it's like bullying or body shaming which aren't welcome in professional settings. I will give them a serious look too. Especially in the work place, once you give off the idea that this type of behavior is acceptable, it will happen again and again and again.