Man discusses how people react to his new height post LL

Short Vassal
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Leg Lengthening
Man discusses how people react to his new height post LL
post #1

It sounds like people were blown away and social cues change (positively).

Short Knight
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Re: Man discusses how people react to his new height post LL
post #2

Phenomenal video. I like how he talks about the people who end up being "mad" at him for getting the surgery.

I understand why this is also. It's because the guy was able to "beat the system".

I know women who get upset with other women who get the gastric bypass surgery or breast implants.

This is especially pronounced when the woman in question had the body shape her friend had pre-operation.

I'm not mad at the guy though. 5'7 is short, but is miles away from 5'4. Some airforce ones and he's barely below average, especially with his ethnicity. 


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Re: Man discusses how people react to his new height post LL
post #3

Thorough and honest only the way a shorter guy could express.

When average height and taller people get in on this conversation, they just cannot conceive that people are treated drastically different because of how long their legs are.

The exception to this is someone who was a late bloomer. Someone posted a psychologist who recalled how people treated him so much differently after he had a late growth spurt.

One thing that stood out to me from what he said was that people started to "listen to him more" and that they "took what he said much more seriously".

This guy here didn't even get that much taller, but it was worlds away from the height he was before.

It's still not something I'd ever do, but he has my respect.