Who mocks short men the most in real life (not social media) ?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Duration: 01-Jan-2030
11% of voters (1 Votes)
22% of voters (2 Votes)
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66% of voters (6 Votes)
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Who mocks short men the most in real life (not social media) ?

Short Squire
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Who mocks short men the most in real life (not social media) ?
post #1

I'd place my bet on short women and men slightly taller, it never fails. With short women, it's usually a projection of their own insecurities and to distance themselves from shorter guys, and with average height guys, it's because they have someone to look down on and will therefore mock (they wouldn't do this to taller dudes).


Short Baron
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Re: Who mocks short men the most in real life (not social media) ?
post #2

In High School and College, it was always shorter women who seemed to give me the most flack for it. On dating apps, I notice it's usually shorter women unforunately who have whole essays on thier profiles about why they can't date a shorter man. 

Short Knight
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Re: Who mocks short men the most in real life (not social media) ?
post #3

I sometimes get comments from shorter women, but it's mostly the 5'7s (women) who have the bring the most heat with negative height related comments. 

Short Vassal
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Re: Who mocks short men the most in real life (not social media) ?
post #4

Here in college, it's always the shortest women who seem to give me the most pushback and mean comments. 

Short Page
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Re: Who mocks short men the most in real life (not social media) ?
post #5

Always women in the 4'10-5'1 range who bust my balls for being a short guy. Some of them have short fathers.

Short Vassal
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Re: Who mocks short men the most in real life (not social media) ?
post #6

I hate to say it, but it's usually the shortest women who give me the hardest time which is ironic because it's who I usually date. It just so happens that the ones I date aren't the height queen types that we all seem to be referencing here.