How many of you stand up to height shaming?

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Height Shaming
How many of you stand up to height shaming?
post #1

I'm not talking about your typical short jokes, but rather the blatant disrespect mean-spritied "jokes" or off-the-cuff comments directed at you to belittle you or convey inferiority relative to everyone else. These are the type of comments that someone would make and then play it off as "a joke". I've read on other forums (reddit for one) where they advise you to "embrace" the humor and "accept that you are short". I think this is misinformed.

By self deprecating you invite more ridicule. I usually will tell someone straight up that I don't find jokes like that humorous, it's like bullying or body shaming which aren't welcome in professional settings. I will give them a serious look too. Especially in the work place, once you give off the idea that this type of behavior is acceptable, it will happen again and again and again. 

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Re: How many of you stand up to height shaming?
post #2

I remember a few years ago being at a family get-together with my in-laws.  My wife has an aggressive, controlling, dominating cousin-in-law who feels compelled to point out my size a lot.  Truth be known, he feels intimidated by my intellect, education, publications, wittiness, etc. all of which he lacks.  So, he has it in for me.  I arrived at the party, and right in front of people he slams me about how short I am.  It was a silent moment in the room.  Of course we are all standing at the time.  Arggh.   I glared (up) at him and retorted angrily, "Now that we have the mandatory insult about my height over with, may i enjoy the rest of the day?"  Women gasped.  They had never heard me say something terse and biting like that before.  Ever.  It stopped the conversation dead, and left him reeling.  His wife was ticked at him, to say the least.  I left the room.  He never apologized.  He's never done it since.