Was there any defining moment where you realized you are short?

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was there any defining moment where you realized you are short?
post #1

for me it was this commercial, I remember I had the TV on but I wasn't watching it but I thought I heard the Bridesmaids mocking short guys, at the same time I could not imagine a major network would air a commercial like that, so I googled to try and find the commercial and I found it and sure enough my ears did not decieve me and a major corporation (Yoplait, General Mills) on a major network aired a commercial basically saying a short guy is not really a human, and it was acceptable for a female to mock him



Short Knight
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Re: was there any defining moment where you realized you are short?
post #2


Originally posted by d11221

for me it was this commercial, I remember I had the TV on but I wasn't watching it but I thought I heard the Bridesmaids mocking short guys, at the same time I could not imagine a major network would air a commercial like that, so I googled to try and find the commercial and I found it and sure enough my ears did not decieve me and a major corporation (Yoplait, General Mills) on a major network aired a commercial basically saying a short guy is not really a human, and it was acceptable for a female to mock him



When I started going on dating sites.