Why an Indian woman would marry immigrant hating conservative JD Vance

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Why an Indian woman would marry immigrant hating conservative JD Vance
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Why An Indian Woman Would Marry Immigrant hating conservative JD Vance | Height & Politics | Short Guys | Short Kingz

Anyone want to take a guess why out of all of the successful men available (never mind the amount of successful Indian men available), she decided to instead marry someone who hates immigrants like herself? 

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Re: Why an Indian woman would marry immigrant hating conservative JD Vance
post #2

Well, there are a lot of self-hating women of all groups that crave so-called "superior" DNA and association. It seems like this is the case in both parties. 

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Re: Why an Indian woman would marry immigrant hating conservative JD Vance
post #3

There was this news anchor who passed away recently named "Lou Dobbs".

During the Obama election cycle, he used to complain a lot about immigration.

His wife was Mexican. Go figure. 🤡

I used to always wonder how she squared that circle when he'd have choice things to say about Mexicans as a whole.

When I see J.D. Vance's wife and even Kamala Harris, I think the same. 

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Re: Why an Indian woman would marry immigrant hating conservative JD Vance
post #4

Hypergamy is real bro. Not even the height thing, but in all aspects. Some women will want to level up is every way possible.