Dressing extra fresh is the best thing a short man can do

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Dressing extra fresh is the best thing a short man can do
post #1

The amount of female interest I get when I am in my most proper form, impeccably groomed and dripping with style and in top shape is where and when I do best.

The truth is that most women will gravitate towards taller men as a matter of fact. 

As shorter guys, I learned early that "there has to be something about us" to pique interest.

Some will shy away from this, but those who tackle this head on will prosper.

Find an amazing barber. Sift through style until you find the hairstyle that works best for your head.

Make sure your clothes fit well. Extra loose fitting clothes accents your lack of height and makes you look clueless.

A fit body will pop in the summer. In a sea of people who don't take your health seriously, you'll stand out, even at a shorter height.

I had a woman in a class I took a few years ago who used to make disparaging comments about shorter guys and one day on a hot day, I hd a polo shirt on that exposed my muscles (not wearing the shirt to purposely do that). She complemented me and gave me a look of "hmmm".

Shoes. It's all in the shoe game. You don't have to spend a ton, just find shoes or sneakers that make a statement and that you know fashion.

Hygiene. Smelling good, having extra fresh breath, etc.

These things have been said here over and over agin, but it's worth repeating. 

Ladies who are anti-short men will remain anti-short men. They are not your audience.

However, the ones who are open, on the fence or genuinely interested can be swayed by your charm.

Have good intentions.

My 5'4 buddy got married two years ago and has two kids now. She isn't a barbie doll, but she is a good fit for him and she adores him.

Life is more difficult as a short dude, I should know, I am one.

That's is all. 

Short Squire
Height: 5'5
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Joined: Apr 05, 2014
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Re: Dressing extra fresh is the best thing a short man can do
post #2

Can't disagree with this. There was a time when I was much younger where I could've put much more effort into my wardrobe. I was fresh out of college then. 

Now it's more like I have my own style which is complemented by many, but I do it for me, not for the admiration of others.

That and, there are more important things to me than spending too much of my income on new clothing all of the time.