Thoughts on this?

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Thoughts on this?
post #1


Is it fair to say that women who are tall and dating short men are not conidered good and acceptble by the whole, while same sex and tall men dating short men is accetble? I mean to me, it seems that most people are in fear of being rejected so whether they think it is okay or not, they support gay and lesbian couples while short men and tall women as a couple is something that most people will still look down on. 

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Re: Thoughts on this?
post #2

Okay I may sound like a dick but I am not trying to offend anyone... Short men will always get the short end of the stick when it comes to things like this because women as girls have been conditioned to think they need a tall, hansom prince. Being gay is considered "cool" right now because being a homophobic or not agreeing with gay couples is an outrage. Same with lesbian couples. I mean think of it this way, there are groups against being against gay and lesbian relationships, but there are not groups against people who think it is wrong that tall women should be with short men. Either people make fun or it or don't care.

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Re: Thoughts on this?
post #3


Originally posted by Dale Okay I may sound like a dick but I am not trying to offend anyone... Short men will always get the short end of the stick when it comes to things like this because women as girls have been conditioned to think they need a tall, hansom prince. Being gay is considered "cool" right now because being a homophobic or not agreeing with gay couples is an outrage. Same with lesbian couples. I mean think of it this way, there are groups against being against gay and lesbian relationships, but there are not groups against people who think it is wrong that tall women should be with short men. Either people make fun or it or don't care.

It all has to do with this narrow mindset that people are forced to believe of gender roles. Men should be tall and strong, women should be short and delicate. So not only does this offend short men and tall women, but men who are thin, women who are curvy/thick/fat, and so on. It all is BS.  

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Re: Thoughts on this?
post #4


Originally posted by 2B Frank My girlfriend watches the show "Hot In Cleveland" and there is a British woman who has given thi Canadian man the run around for a long time. They finally got into a relationship but all the other women on the show always crack jokes about him being short because she is like 5'10. Why crack jokes on him? She is the one who is an amazon! I don't like women being over 5'6 personally.


LOL! I know right. I swear it all comes down to the feme-nazis. They all want to be better and above men.