Anyone have a pool?

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Small Talk
Anyone have a pool?
post #1

I am getting one and know nothing about them. They will be delievering it on Friday and setting it up for me. I don't wanna mess it up being a noob lol

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Re: Anyone have a pool?
post #2

I did growing up. It i very easy. Just keep up with the chemicals, use the filter atleast 3 times a week, and vacuum the pool once a week. You should be fine. What size you getting?

Mr Dixon
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Re: Anyone have a pool?
post #3


Originally posted by Dez

I did growing up. It i very easy. Just keep up with the chemicals, use the filter atleast 3 times a week, and vacuum the pool once a week. You should be fine. What size you getting?

When I had one (while renting) I just ran the filte/pump all summer. I didn't pay for the electricity on it so I never thought to turn it off. I just found out a few weeks back they arent made to be left on 24/7 ooops lol

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Anyone have a pool?
post #4

They are very easy once you know what you are doing. Depending on the size, larger ones tend to need more cleaning time put in and if you have trees in your yard, you will need more cleaning to be done.


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Re: Anyone have a pool?
post #5

If you can care for a kid, pet, or plant... You can handle a pool. haha