Member Profiles: GoKnicks
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Recent Posts From GoKnicks
I think men and women tend to want to date with in their own race because it is most framiliar to themselves. Have you ever heard of the ideal mate being most like you? there ya go.
How would you explain short women only wanting tall men then? LOL
Do you mean this just for white men? If we look at statistics, only 2% of marriages with white women are with non-white men and this basically means that a shorter non-white male will have an even harder time finding a mate with a white women who prefers the average 6' male.
I mean as a whole. Like based on what we know with racism and hate against shorter men. You don't see races being made fun of on TV anymore but you see short men still being a joke.
I also don't buy women don't love muscle. Maybe some don't but most seem to like it. It is the cleavage for a man!
He is only 5'5? Wow I had no idea. I was thinking he was like 5'9. Goes to show I supose. Awesome shot!