Jealousy seems to effect taller people...

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Jealousy seems to effect taller people...
post #1

This picture sums up how people act when someone has what they don't. This dude may be on the shorter side but he has the body many men dream of having.


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Re: Jealousy seems to effect taller people...
post #2

Women don't LOVE muscle but they love definition. He has a lot of that and that is attractive. The men who get jealous are the same ones who react. We all see what we hate most about ourselves in others. If someone has what we don't, we hate them over it.

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Re: Jealousy seems to effect taller people...
post #3


Originally posted by SharkApple

Women don't LOVE muscle but they love definition. He has a lot of that and that is attractive. The men who get jealous are the same ones who react. We all see what we hate most about ourselves in others. If someone has what we don't, we hate them over it.


I don't buy this one bit. I have had times of making fun of people. Fat people. I have never been "fat". What would a fat person have that I am jealous of!?

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Re: Jealousy seems to effect taller people...
post #4

I also don't buy women don't love muscle. Maybe some don't but most seem to like it. It is the cleavage for a man! 

Mr Dixon
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Re: Jealousy seems to effect taller people...
post #5

I would like to point out that he is also holding the phone in front of him, not next to him. He is probably around 5'4-5'6 but who cares really?... Oh right, tall people. 

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Re: Jealousy seems to effect taller people...
post #6

So he is a "faggot" for being short and taking care of his body? Who knew. I guess anyone who enjoys taking care of their body must me in to dude...

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Re: Jealousy seems to effect taller people...
post #7


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

I would like to point out that he is also holding the phone in front of him, not next to him. He is probably around 5'4-5'6 but who cares really?... Oh right, tall people. 

He may only be 5'2 or even less, why does this matter? It seems like people will look at their own bodies and get jealous and because he is in good shape an good looking, they can only attack his height.

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Re: Jealousy seems to effect taller people...
post #8


Originally posted by GoKnicks

I also don't buy women don't love muscle. Maybe some don't but most seem to like it. It is the cleavage for a man! 

I think women don't even know what they like anymore. It seems like so much of what they do is dependent on trends and what other women are doing.