Going separate ways

Mr Dixon
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Going separate ways
post #1

So me and this woman I was seeing have decided to take a break. She has to go out of town till August. She don't knwo if she will end up moving or not so it isn't worth holding on to something that may end anyways. Her family needs her. Any advice to take my mind off things?

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Re: Going separate ways
post #2

Sorry to hear that. Dating long distance isn't an option huh? 



Dark Willow
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Re: Going separate ways
post #3

Damn man that sucks. I have had it happen to me too. Long distance isn't an option for most people but for the ones who can handle it, I give them credit. It is a lot easier to start off that way then to go into that kind of relationship after being toegther all the time.

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Re: Going separate ways
post #4

It happens. I mean I am single myself now so we will find our gals eventually. They are out there. Keep your chin up and don't let this keep you from meeting a great woman.

Maid Marian
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Re: Going separate ways
post #5

Man up Dixon. Get yourself into a hobby. Women like me hate a man who mopes around all day. I'm not saying you can't feel some type of way about it, but do things that make you happy. Besides, if it was just a woman you were seeing and not an LTR, getting over it shouldn't be as rough. If her family needs her (and that is true), then you're making an emotional mountain over a molehill and that is not attractive. 

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Re: Going separate ways
post #6

Get into something new and stay busy. If it is meant to work out she wont move there. If she is really worth it, maybe you should consider moving there to be with her. Give it time and see how you feel when you know what she is doing.