Short men vs thin women

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Short men vs thin women
post #1

I got something I want to through out there. Women like to complain and say they dont want to have a baby with a short dude. What about the women out there who are thin or have very narrow hips? They end up having trouble with birthing children in like 75% of cases and yet us men don't say NO I DONT WANT A BABY WITH YOU! They have a legit issue and our height does not effect child birth. Just venting but I find this stupid logic on women and guys who believe this too. 

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Re: Short men vs thin women
post #2

*throw tongue


And yes I get that you are saying. Most men are wired to want women with full hips though. I mean don't get me wrong, thin women are hot but nothing beats full hips, a slim waist and a nice pair up top yes

Mr Dixon
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Re: Short men vs thin women
post #3

I never thought about this but I can say if I, as a man, were to tell a woman she was too thin in her hips to birth my children, I am sure I would be deemed as an *censored* guy. lol But women, oh they are just being "selective" 

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Re: Short men vs thin women
post #4

LOL Can you imagine if some men did say this? I mean my buddy wont date a woman who has muscles or bones showing. He once told a woman who was coming onto him at the gym that if he wanted to date a man there were plenty in the locker room. I guess she was thin and muscular Haha

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Re: Short men vs thin women
post #5


Originally posted by ShortNProud

LOL Can you imagine if some men did say this? I mean my buddy wont date a woman who has muscles or bones showing. He once told a woman who was coming onto him at the gym that if he wanted to date a man there were plenty in the locker room. I guess she was thin and muscular Haha

Oh damn her face must have been pricless! hahaha! I mean she is busting her butt thinking she is looking good and you comment like that.

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Re: Short men vs thin women
post #6

To me, thin women are the tall women of the world because they can wear anything, date anyone, and look good doing anything. They don't know the struggle of rolls, jiggly bits, and dating lol

Short Vassal
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Re: Short men vs thin women
post #7


Originally posted by Dez

I got something I want to through out there. Women like to complain and say they dont want to have a baby with a short dude. What about the women out there who are thin or have very narrow hips? They end up having trouble with birthing children in like 75% of cases and yet us men don't say NO I DONT WANT A BABY WITH YOU! They have a legit issue and our height does not effect child birth. Just venting but I find this stupid logic on women and guys who believe this too. 


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Re: Short men vs thin women
post #8

The problem with birthing is not the size, it is how it is being done!

"The mechanisms of labour enable a baby to progress through the birth canal without obstruction. When women choose an upright position for birth without an epidural, gravity also helps the baby descend, resulting in a a shorter labour."