How did you meet you SO?

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How did you meet you SO?
post #1

If you are in a relationship, married, what have you... How did you meet your SO? Through a dating site? Online? Through friends? 

Short Knight
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Re: How did you meet you SO?
post #2

I actually just started dating someone. We been in a relationship for just over a month and it has been great. We met online, and we skype/text/ect all the time. We haven't met in person but we do video chats so we know what each other looks like. We plan on meeting up in October. She is about 300 miles away.

Short Knight
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Re: How did you meet you SO?
post #3


Originally posted by Dale

I actually just started dating someone. We been in a relationship for just over a month and it has been great. We met online, and we skype/text/ect all the time. We haven't met in person but we do video chats so we know what each other looks like. We plan on meeting up in October. She is about 300 miles away.

Long distance eh? My friend is in one of those. Has been for almost 2 years. They only got to be together 6 times but he knows he is going to marry her. They have it harder though because she lives in the UK.

Short Knight
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Re: How did you meet you SO?
post #4

I was in and out of relationships the last two years but I am hoping to add something to this thread soon, assuming the first date goes well. We shall find out this Friday.