Who do you think has it worse? An Asian man or a black woman?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 30-Apr-2016
Asian Man
50% of voters (1 Votes)
Black Woman
50% of voters (1 Votes)
2 Total votes

Who do you think has it worse...

Short Dame
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Who do you think has it worse...
post #1

When it comes to dating...

Who do you think has it worse? An Asian man or a black woman?

Short Squire
Height: 5'4
Location: LA, United States
Joined: Jun 07, 2015
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Re: Who do you think has it worse...
post #2

Asian man. A black woman doesn't have to act a certain way and remain okay in dating but an Asian man in American is almost screwed entirely be it race or height, or both.