ShortKingz Blog

When She Says She Dated A Short Guy Once
Look I get it. Sometimes we have to save face. It's the only way we can successfully bow out of a situation and in some way retain the respe....
How To Be An Effective Short Male Leader
One of the most odd things I remembered in High School was "a tale of a two Educators". One was tall and had what most would cal....
Owning Your Height: Being A Proud Short Man.
There is a certain woe is me attitude which can sometimes be held by members of society who do not fit society's ideals. We all know who they are -....
Don't Be That Guy. Personality Traits Short Men Should Avoid.
If you grew up in the States or in the West within the last two generations, there's a huge chance you've been indoctrinated into this fallacious ideology that....
How To Handle Workplace Microagressions
You're confident. You're self-assured. You're a rockstar. You look good, feel good and even smell good. You spent your formidable years getting good grades, ....
Confessions From Everyday Women Who Date Short Guys
By the time the average short guy is 25, he is hyper-aware of the impact his height can have on his dating and professional pros&#....

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