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Naturalheightgrowth IS A SCAMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!
On one page, he claims Glucosamine Sulphate can help anyone gain 3cm of height and then conveniently there's an affiliate link right below it.
The maximum height you can gain from Glucosamine Sulphate is 2mm... If some guy tries this and grows more than that, it is solely because he did stretching exercises as well.
"I have put thousands of hours of my own life into building the website up" <---- well then you should know that height increasing supplements are obvious scams... btw someone's already tried scamming people with Glucosamine Sulphate. Sorry fella
To anyone viewing this post: naturalheightgrowth tries to gain your trust by calling out other scam sites.
He also tries to gain your trust by calling himself out, and yet illogically still making himself sound trustworthy. He even made a post titled “Am I a Scam”, answer should’ve been a simple yes, but he bullsh*ts his way through like a lot of scam sites and somehow gains your trust. This is a common tactic used by many scams like Grow Taller 4 idiots.
He writes a ton of complicated words, which make him seem very intelligent even though it’s actually all bs. If you read over 2 paragraphs of what he writes, they constantly contradict themselves and make little sense.
Spread the word on the LSJL blog and other height increasing blogs!!
I am Michael, the owner of the Natural Height Growth website.
The real reason the website went down was because the legal team of the hosting provider of the website was forced to take it down. The guys who are selling the Gloxi Growth Drink and the Growth FlexV Pro products sent take down notices and DMCAs written by real attorneys forcing the website down. I've been talking with my hosting company Bluehost at least a dozen times over how to get the website back up for the last 2 weeks.
You can read the same message I wrote in the LSJL Forums here
I've had to make multiple compromises just to keep the website back on. Now, I am talking with copyright attorneys in Seattle (The Seeg Group) to see what can be done against people who abuse DMCAs like those Scientology people.
If you think putting some affiliate links makes the website a scam, then it is your opinion. What is wrong with trying to make a little extra money from running the website. I have put thousands of hours of my own life into building the website up. I should get to profit somewhat from it, as long as what I recommend actually works for some people.
If you don't like the website, don't read it, don't visit it.
Michael (Yes, it is me, just check my older posts and see how in depth my posts were)
$2500 worth of non-working products could have been spent on $2500 worth of restaurant meals, a computer, a HDTV, clothes, shoes, movies, dinners, car payment, bills, etc
basically it took u 3 months to save $2500, and u threw that money in a trash cash for free. keep up the good work. u could have given $2500 to a homeless person and make his day better. Instead, u paid for someone's BMW and mercedez car payment for 3 months.
repeat that 3x a year and he'll be feeling at the top of the world. If ur a good scammer, u can be rich quick.
i won't be buying his products anytime soon. imagine u spend $2500 on his grow taller products for ur son, give it to him as a christmas gift. he tries it for 1 year, daily... he expects to grow 4", and nothing happens.
worst. christmas. gift. ever. no money back guarantee.