9 confessions of a girl who used to date a short guy

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9 confessions of a girl who used to date a short guy
post #1

9 Confessions Of A Girl Who Used To Date A Short Guy

Typical article from THOUGHT CATALOG of an insecure women "explaining" why she needs to feel protected, but rejected each time her (short man) tried to protect her ("he was trying to act "manly" or "tough"). More cognitive dissonance from a woman's head.

Article is here: http://thoughtcatalog.com/sophie-martin/2014/07/9-confessions-of-a-girl-who-used-to-date-a-short-guy13-reasons-every-girl-deserves-a-tall-guy/

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Re: 9 confessions of a girl who used to date a short guy
post #2

I dont really think that this is to far off.

Rather if they are able to live with it or not.

Currently, the girl that i am seeing is slightly taller than i am by 1-2 cm (Little less than an inch)

And i feel that she is not comfortable with me lifting her even if it is no issue at all. Idk if i was taller, maybe it would have been different.