Bald or short? Which is worse?

Jelly Kelly
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Bald or short? Which is worse?
post #1

I am curious because I know losing hair is hard on both men and women, but is it worse than being short? Like would you rather be 5'5 and have a thick full head of hair or 6'+ and be balding? 

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Re: Bald or short? Which is worse?
post #2

To me, being short isn't the worst thing but I wouldn't want to be bald or going bald. So short > bald for me. But then again, you can get hair transplant now so, I am not sure. I guess the worst case scenario would be short, fat, and bald though haha

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Re: Bald or short? Which is worse?
post #3

My hair is thinning and it sucks but I would rather be without hair and be taller. I know this is not something I should be saying at this point, I should accept myself but I am just being real. I would have been more inclined to play sports and be outgoing when I was younger.

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Re: Bald or short? Which is worse?
post #4


Originally posted by Catman To me, being short isn't the worst thing but I wouldn't want to be bald or going bald. So short > bald for me. But then again, you can get hair transplant now so, I am not sure. I guess the worst case scenario would be short, fat, and bald though haha

I know someone who is short, balding, and on the heavy side. He is married but his wife always picks on him, in such mean ways.  

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Re: Bald or short? Which is worse?
post #5

I don't think being bald is anywhere as bad as being short... Well at least as society makes it. Being bald can make one self conscious, but society literally believes that being short makes someone inferior. 

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Re: Bald or short? Which is worse?
post #6


Originally posted by HobbitLion

I don't think being bald is anywhere as bad as being short... Well at least as society makes it. Being bald can make one self conscious, but society literally believes that being short makes someone inferior. 

I wouldn't want to be bald myself. I would take being under 5'9 and have hair then balding. 

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Re: Bald or short? Which is worse?
post #7


Originally posted by HobbitLion

I don't think being bald is anywhere as bad as being short... Well at least as society makes it. Being bald can make one self conscious, but society literally believes that being short makes someone inferior. 

Or bad at sports, or unable to please a woman, or be a good father... I mean the list goes on and on. They shun short men and bigger women. Heck, my own mother pointed out this woman who was in a lifetime movie and goes "they normally don't use chunky or fat women" and this woman was maybe 140 pounds! that is FAR from fat!