Re: Can women to be attracted to a short guys like they are to tall men?
post #2
what i THINK and in my experience
Women that tends to be attracted to shorter guys, usually have a reason.
- They want to feel more power or superior than the man
- They have somehow experience violence/bad behavior from taller men, and therefore look for a guy that at least in their mind look weaker than their taller fellas.
I've been with a couple of girls, that said, they didnt like tall muscular guys. Even tho, i am very broad shouldered myself. But it turned out it was cause they've either been raped, or experienced abuse in their past relationships.
On the otherhand, those who are in a good spot in their life, that are attracted to shorter guys. May feel like it is a kind of a problem, that she can hug him shoulder to shoulder, that she tops him when wearing heels, She might feel less protected.
For not to mention the socially acceptable relationship where the girl is a head shorter than the guys. And might feel slight embarrassed when in public.
Some of the women i've been with that have been taller than me, have all felt like they think they are superior, and can get away with anything and control me.
The shorter the girl is, the more dominant she is trying to be, the taller she is, the more superior and arrogant. In my experience, the women closer to avarage heigh are the best. Even if im shorter than the avarage women in my country, i still feel they are the best to date. Even tho they tend to avoid me 
Last Edited By multinational (2017-01-09 13:52:12)