Dating a woman who is 3 inches taller...

Short Vassal
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Dating a woman who is 3 inches taller...
post #1

I recently was asked out by a woman who is 5'10. Her height doesn't bother me. She says she thought I was cute and so I gave it a go. I don't like that she doesn't want to wear heels so we can "look right". What is the point of asking me out if you aren't confident enough to be out in public with me as you are? It isn't my style to change a woman, so why does she need to conform? 

Just wanted to vent. 

Short Vassal
Height: 5'6
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Re: Dating a woman who is 3 inches taller...
post #2

If it were me I wouldn't take a woman like that too seriously. I'd have my fun while I could.