Despite what Jeff Bezos's ex-wife is doing here, money matters.

Short Vassal
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Height Mogging
Despite what Jeff Bezos's ex-wife is doing here, money matters.
post #1

Jeff Bezos | Ex-Wife | MacKenzie Scott | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

Sure she might be ogling the man that dwarfs her (ex) husband, but money does matter. It's the only reason why she was with him, and to be fair, she was with him for a long time.

She was pretty enough to attract guys far taller than Jeff and could've went for your run-of-the-mill athlete or young fit man after she divorced him. She didn't. She went for an average looking, average height science teacher.

Short Vassal
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Re: Despite what Jeff Bezos's ex-wife is doing here, money matters.
post #2

We all have no idea what was really happening at that moment, but Jeff's body language in the beginning of the clip says a thousand words.

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Re: Despite what Jeff Bezos's ex-wife is doing here, money matters.
post #3


Originally posted by KeenObserver

We all have no idea what was really happening at that moment, but Jeff's body language in the beginning of the clip says a thousand words.

Attraction can't be negotiated. Money matters, but women's attraction to taller men is primal.