Height Supremacists who insist biology? Why don't men want tall women?

Short Vassal
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Height Supremacists who insist biology? Why don't men want tall women?
post #1

If you think women want tall men for biological and instinctual reasons, then why don't men wan't super tall women? Taking it a step further, why don't women wan't super tall men only? Most NBA players are well over 6'5. Shouldn't women be rejecting all men who are not super tall?

Short Cadet
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Re: Height Supremacists who insist biology? Why don't men want tall women?
post #2

Short women are considered more feminine. Very tall men that are over 6'5" are way too tall for the average woman.

Short Vassal
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Re: Height Supremacists who insist biology? Why don't men want tall women?
post #3


Originally posted by braeden

Short women are considered more feminine. Very tall men that are over 6'5" are way too tall for the average woman.

Okay, well explain why that is. Who decides that shorter women are considered "more feminine" and how does nature decide that 6'5 is "too tall" for the average woman? What about times when average height was shorter? Where do these laws about what is acceptable and what isn't come from? Your claims sound baseless.