How soon do you make your move?

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How soon do you make your move?
post #1

In terms of "sleeping" with your date? I have been seeing a woman on and off, nothing serious but we haven't gone all the way yet and I am not sure if it is because of me, like she is expecting me to do something, or if she doesn't want to. It has been 2 months and we have hung out a few times and went on like 5 dates. 2 of them were double dates. 

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Re: How soon do you make your move?
post #2

Some women are quick with it and will sleep with you the first night. BUT others, want to wait. Some will and wish they had waited. It is weird how it all works. I wait until I know enough about the gal. I can't sleep with someone I don't know.

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Re: How soon do you make your move?
post #3

You know when she wants to go further. No woman will keep you hanging. What all have you guys done? Has she stopped you from going further? 

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Re: How soon do you make your move?
post #4

Yeah how far have you two gone? If you only did kissing, she likely isn't ready. If she did more, she may be sleeping with someone else. Be careful. Happened to me once. The chick actually thought she was pregnant.


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Re: How soon do you make your move?
post #5


Originally posted by Larry

Yeah how far have you two gone? If you only did kissing, she likely isn't ready. If she did more, she may be sleeping with someone else. Be careful. Happened to me once. The chick actually thought she was pregnant.


YIKES! That would piss me off haha I think it is best to set grounds by date 3. I mean if you want to wat, fine but make sure I know you are not doing it to sleep with someone else!

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Re: How soon do you make your move?
post #6

We have made out and did things with hands, to keep it mild. That is about it. Only happened a few times. I will have to talk to her. Maybe she is just not looking for something serious and just wants to mess around without going all the way??

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Re: How soon do you make your move?
post #7

It sounds like she may not want to commit to sex honestly. I have known some women in the past who will not have sex for the 1st year of knowing/dating a man.