How to make tall girls feel at ease?

Short Vassal
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How to make tall girls feel at ease?
post #1

Most of the time it is taller women feeling social anxiety when it comes to dating short guys like us. How do you go about helping them ease that feeling of constantly thinking about what others think of them?

Short Vassaless
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Re: How to make tall girls feel at ease?
post #2

You have to let them know that you are confident and that you could care less about the height difference. If they cannot get over it then you are better off without them. Some women let it affect them and others do not care.

Short Knight
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Re: How to make tall girls feel at ease?
post #3

You will be sh** tested like there is no tomorrow. Learn how to play with it and not be uptight. That will be her job as women are emotional creatures who cringe at criticism especially when coming from their peers.