Join the trolling campaign of heightists on Tinder and other dating apps.

Short Squire
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Height Trolling
Join the trolling campaign of heightists on Tinder and other dating apps.
post #1

I saw this on Reddit and had to share it here. This should become a national trend.

We know that tall guys read this board also, so they should join in just for giggles.

a. Make a (fake) 5'11+ profile on Tinder or some other dating app

b. Chat with matches to inquire why they swiped right on you.

c. If the answer has anything to do with height, ask their thoughts on short guys.

d. If they make derogatory or insulting comments about short men, set up a date.

e. When she messages asking when you'll arrive say that you saw her from a distance and that she's unfortunately too short for your taste so you decided to bail. Add something like "Sorry, it's just a preference." No insults, just that.

f.  Result: Poetic justice.

Waste... her... time kings!

Short Baron
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Re: Join the trolling campaign of heightists on Tinder and other dating apps.
post #2

This is mean.... but hilarious 😂

Short Vassal
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Re: Join the trolling campaign of heightists on Tinder and other dating apps.
post #3

Can admit that I'm guilty of this back in the day, but I never would set up the date, I'd just bail on them on the app.

This is genius though lol.