My younger brother's new girlfriend...

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My younger brother's new girlfriend...
post #1

So my younger brother, who is 19, started dated a girl who is 17. I got to meet her the other day and she asked if I was HIS younger brother because I am "still" short. Looking at my height, I am not super short or anything. She thought I was 14!!! He is about 6'2. My brother's reply was a laugh. I was so pissed off by it.

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Re: My younger brother's new girlfriend...
post #2


Originally posted by Mouse

So my younger brother, who is 19, started dated a girl who is 17. I got to meet her the other day and she asked if I was HIS younger brother because I am "still" short. Looking at my height, I am not super short or anything. She thought I was 14!!! He is about 6'2. My brother's reply was a laugh. I was so pissed off by it.

17????? Forget the comeback and call the cops! Yikes!!!!

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Re: My younger brother's new girlfriend...
post #3


Originally posted by minilinebacker


Originally posted by Mouse

So my younger brother, who is 19, started dated a girl who is 17. I got to meet her the other day and she asked if I was HIS younger brother because I am "still" short. Looking at my height, I am not super short or anything. She thought I was 14!!! He is about 6'2. My brother's reply was a laugh. I was so pissed off by it.

17????? Forget the comeback and call the cops! Yikes!!!!

He is 19 though not a big deal. At least not me. I dated someone who was 18 when I was 16 haha

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Re: My younger brother's new girlfriend...
post #4

This is a complex thing. You are shorter and likely look younger (props to you). She sees him.. taller and older looking, and assumes. A lot of women who date nothing but taller guys do this.

Short Knight
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Re: My younger brother's new girlfriend...
post #5


Originally posted by minilinebacker


Originally posted by Mouse

So my younger brother, who is 19, started dated a girl who is 17. I got to meet her the other day and she asked if I was HIS younger brother because I am "still" short. Looking at my height, I am not super short or anything. She thought I was 14!!! He is about 6'2. My brother's reply was a laugh. I was so pissed off by it.

17????? Forget the comeback and call the cops! Yikes!!!!

17 dating 19 is normal. Well in this area anyways. 17 is considered the adult age now for movies, clubs, and so on. 

Short Squire
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Re: My younger brother's new girlfriend...
post #6

Yeah that is normal here too. Either way your bro should have stuck up for ya I am sure out would have done the same.