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post #1

My boyfriend is a bit, well, self conscious about his stretchmarks. He feels like because of his height, he shouldn't have as many as he does. I nver gave it much thought but do shorter guys have less because they don't grow as much? (I hope this category is right! lol)

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Re: Stretchmarks?
post #2

I feel like they are only an issue with men who work out or gain/lose weight a lot. Same with women. Has this happened? I mean did he work out a lot or gain/lose a lot of weight in a short period of time?

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Re: Stretchmarks?
post #3

This is common in all shapes and sizes. It depends on how quick you grow, not how much. I see overweight women and men who don't have any but they gained weight slowly.

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Re: Stretchmarks?
post #4


Originally posted by Dez

This is common in all shapes and sizes. It depends on how quick you grow, not how much. I see overweight women and men who don't have any but they gained weight slowly.

I know this one woman from work, very beautiful but she is a bigger gal. We did a work beach thing last summer and she had flawless skin. I was shocked, no marks, dimples, nothing! She must weight like 200 pounds too.

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Re: Stretchmarks?
post #5


Originally posted by James007

I feel like they are only an issue with men who work out or gain/lose weight a lot. Same with women. Has this happened? I mean did he work out a lot or gain/lose a lot of weight in a short period of time?

I worked out a lot when I was younger and I was loaded with marks. They faded over time but I can still find them. I mean I really never cared about them because I looked around and noticed most people have them. Scars of growth.

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Re: Stretchmarks?
post #6

Great points guys I am going to share this with him. I never thought of it like that. I think that makes the most sense. His weight did go up and down a lot when he was younger.