When people say "Just date Asian women"...

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When people say "Just date Asian women"...
post #1

Just Date Asian Women | Asian Women Dating Hierarchy | Short King | Short Kingz

Just Date Asian Women | Asian Women Dating Hierarchy | Short King | Short Kingz

From a 2015 research paper.

Every man know all of this already which is why I laugh when someone says, "just date _____". It literally doesn't matter.

Now while I don't struggle with dating and there are lots of shorter men who do not, we cannot behave that there isn't a hierarchy and that people of all backgrounds aren't influenced by it. 

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Re: When people say "Just date Asian women"...
post #2

Agreed. Those blanket suggestions are usually nonsense. You date who you mesh well with and who are equally attracted to you. 


Short Vassal
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Re: When people say "Just date Asian women"...
post #3

Heightism and height preferences are worldwide. It may be less pronounced in certain places, but it's there.