Why do shows allow it?

Short Knight
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Why do shows allow it?
post #1

Why do comedy shows allow jokes to be made about short men, short men with taller women, or boys getting picked on for being short? I don't get how this is funny.

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Re: Why do shows allow it?
post #2

Because they are scared we might actually stand up for ourselves one day given the fact that we don't get everything handed to us like the rest of society.

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Re: Why do shows allow it?
post #3


Originally posted by ointment

Because they are scared we might actually stand up for ourselves one day given the fact that we don't get everything handed to us like the rest of society.

 I don't think anyone is scared in any way. But I do agree that it continues, but that has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of other targeted groups have support networks and put pressure on media outlets. Short men don't have such a group and no one really cares about men's problems anyway. They would just tell you to "man-up".

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Re: Why do shows allow it?
post #4

Well to average people, it is funny. The same thing with thin/fit women having fat lazy husbands. It is like they allow it as this big inside joke. There is nothing wrong with small women being with bigger men or vice versa but you rarely see a bigger gal with a skinnier man on TV and most couples on TV ahave a shorter woman than a man.

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Re: Why do shows allow it?
post #5

Because they can. Comedy is based on making fun of people. You can't take it personal because they do it to women, different races, taller men, fat men, and even gay people. 

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Re: Why do shows allow it?
post #6


Originally posted by Mouse

Because they can. Comedy is based on making fun of people. You can't take it personal because they do it to women, different races, taller men, fat men, and even gay people. 

Pretty much this. Every watch comedy central? That Tosh guy always makes short, black, gay, and beyond jokes.


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Re: Why do shows allow it?
post #7


Short Knight
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Re: Why do shows allow it?
post #8


Originally posted by ointment

Because they are scared we might actually stand up for ourselves one day given the fact that we don't get everything handed to us like the rest of society.

Scared of what? I am not sure what you mean here. I don't think the media is scared of short people. They make fun of fat people too, doesn't mean they are scared. 


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Re: Why do shows allow it?
post #9


Originally posted by Dez

Well to average people, it is funny. The same thing with thin/fit women having fat lazy husbands. It is like they allow it as this big inside joke. There is nothing wrong with small women being with bigger men or vice versa but you rarely see a bigger gal with a skinnier man on TV and most couples on TV ahave a shorter woman than a man.

I never thought about that. I can't remember the last time I seen a skinny man with a big gal on TV. I don't get how it is okay the other way around though. Makes no damn sense. Like men are aloud to be fat and lazy and ugly as long as they are tall. lol

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Re: Why do shows allow it?
post #10


Originally posted by Mouse

Because they can. Comedy is based on making fun of people. You can't take it personal because they do it to women, different races, taller men, fat men, and even gay people. 

It just teaches people to stay divided. I don't get how dividing a nation is funny.