Does your mother treat you worse than your taller siblings?

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Does your mother treat you worse than your taller siblings?
post #1

My mother would occasionally throw in shots to express her disappointment with how tall I did not become, but I also noticed that she would coddle more even though I am older. She would give my brothers tougher chores and listens to them for advice on how to accomplish certain tasks where she would be more hesitant and "mother like" when it came to me doing stuff (i.e. "be careful, "do it this way", etc).



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Re: Does your mother treat you worse than your taller siblings?
post #2

My older brothers are much older than i am, so i never experienced how they were raised.

Altho' I have a reasonably better relationship with my mother than they have. More honest, more friendlike. I dont feel embarrassed by telling my mother about my dating life, reguardless if its onenighters, or something long term. I do spare the details tho.

But i get your point, my mother tends to "cuddle" more, and acts more carefull. But i've also been further down the "bad choice" road than any other family member have.


No family member have ever bullied or commented on my height. And if they ever do, they will feel the wrath, i dont give a *bleep* if its my mother, father, og whom ever.

Last Edited By multinational (2017-05-17 16:34:59)