This girl is just weird

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This girl is just weird
post #1

Hi guys,


A funny thing happened to me at work.

A 5'8 Persian girl at work seemed really cool to a bunch of us, who happen to be short guys She said her type of guy was one of my friends who is about 5'9 when we first started to get to know her. We all were initially like WOW what a nice person. She's not one of those tall girls who just want a tall guy. However one day when she was talking about the guy she wants to be with she listed these requirements:

1) Be 6 feet.

2) Blonde blue eyes like a German guy.

3) Pay for everything.

4) She is not religious but the man must convert to Islam so when she visits her parents back in Iran the police will not imprison and kill her. I am serious. She said if she marries a non-muslim she will be killed by the authorities upon landing.

I tried to explain to her that in Canada we do not have a lot of these 6 feet blonde, blue eyed men. She said she knows that and was disappointed. Geez thanks. When I told her to get a work permit for Sweeden or Germany she lit up and said she might just do that. When she left to go home all of us burst out laughing. Her list of requirements is not realistic in any way (she is 32 years old by the way!) and no way in hell is Sweden or Germany going to give out work permits easily, especially to an Iranian citizen.

It bothered me a lot to associate with a woman like this. My personal trainer told me to avoid such people. I am going to distance myself at work from her. Fortunately, I was happy to meet a 6'4 tall woman who would be happy to date a shorter man at a picnic this weekend. So my karma is getting better.

Let me know what you guys think. All these weird things happen to me so I have to share them with this group.


Last Edited By mojoman (2018-09-16 19:38:27)

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Re: This girl is just weird
post #2

Persian girls are the worst. Honestly, so shallow, slutty asf and arrogant.
I usually just spit at them..

Short Vassal
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Re: This girl is just weird
post #3


I understand what you are talking about. This is girl is weird and I think you are wise that you keep your distance. Iranian girls (most of them)  are worst at Heightism and this is an unfortunate. I am an Iranian and like American girls they really are superficial like the one you've described here.

Now you understand my feelings more than before. The entire world is going to change this way as USA leads it by advertising super models in Hollywood.



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Re: This girl is just weird
post #4

From wikipedia it seems that the Shah encouraged heightism. I tried to quote the article put it will not paste. It says he was obsessed with height and believed it was the measure of a man or woman.


So Marshal short Iranian men are just ignored by the taller women? It is like this in Northern Indian too where my ancestry is from.


Originally posted by marshal


I understand what you are talking about. This is girl is weird and I think you are wise that you keep your distance. Iranian girls (most of them)  are worst at Heightism and this is an unfortunate. I am an Iranian and like American girls they really are superficial like the one you've described here.

Now you understand my feelings more than before. The entire world is going to change this way as USA leads it by advertising super models in Hollywood.




Last Edited By mojoman (2018-09-19 18:28:43)

Short Vassal
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Re: This girl is just weird
post #5

I didn't know about Shah's obsession with heightism. The Wikipedia describes it.


Reza Khan was a huge barrel-chested and muscular man towering at over 6'4, leading his son to liken him to a mountain, and throughout his life, Mohammad Reza was obsessed with height and stature, for example wearing elevator shoes to make himself look taller than he really was, often boasting that Iran's highest mountain Mount Demavand was higher than any peak in Europe or Japan, and he was always most attracted to tall women.


short Iranian men are ignored by taller women (or women in general, no matter how short the woman is) and those who don't care about your height, they are mostly passed the golden age of their life ( and maybe they are out of shape by eating so much junks) or they want you to support them financially. Woman will ignore short men unless they are really someone. I mean if you own or manage a good business or you have high university degrees, you may have a chance but if you are an ordinary short boy, I would say even prostitutes wont look at you.

Media has an deep impact on today's life. I knew of girls were wishing to marry Korean men since the wave of romantic TV series coming from Korea. 

I personally no longer care about woman but males are dominant and where I live (where there is no law to protect you) when big males (most of them) see my smallish figure they think they can make me obey them.

Things are different place to place.






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Re: This girl is just weird
post #6

Come to Canada. Here it is much better. Sometimes professional models (5'10) are interested in me.

So how do you get dates?



Originally posted by marshal

I didn't know about Shah's obsession with heightism. The Wikipedia describes it


short Iranian men are ignored by taller women (or women in general, no matter how short the woman is) and those who don't care about your height, they are mostly passed the golden age of their life ( and maybe they are out of shape by eating so much junks) or they want you to support them financially. Woman will ignore short men unless they are really someone. I mean if you own or manage a good business or you have high university degrees, you may have a chance but if you are an ordinary short boy, I would say even prostitutes wont look at you.






Last Edited By mojoman (2018-09-20 19:06:02)

Short Vassal
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Re: This girl is just weird
post #7

It is good to hear that the situation is much better out there. I never thought of immigration to Canada and currently there is no chance I can go to Canada.  Honestly there was serious chance the other year I could get USA visa but pondering around the issue I figured out it would not be a good choice to live in a society where I am going to seem shorter comparing to other men. I don't regret my decision now.

This country is ruined doubtlessly. The people are gone for far deep in corruptness and no one shows mercy to others. There is no ethics and it hurts sometimes when you have to face situations you cant handle. If you need to know more about Iranians, I would recommend that you read this article on Wikipedia about Kleptocracy and see the Effects part especially.

Once a guy told me something that I would never forget. "A bald short guy is doomed." he said. I am going to add another word to it to make it sense more. "A bald short Iranian guy is doomed.". I had a good girlfriend for years, she never made fun of short body nor my balding head. She was awesome. We broke years ago and it is years I'm single and honestly I'm enjoying it. I think I have more time to spend on my hobbies and I definitely need less sexual desire as I'm aging. Things are now different and at the moment I have no intention to date someone, although there is obviously no one out there waiting for me.




Originally posted by mojoman

Come to Canada. Here it is much better. Sometimes professional models (5'10) are interested in me.

So how do you get dates?



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Re: This girl is just weird
post #8



short Iranian men are ignored by taller women (or women in general, no matter how short the woman is) and those who don't care about your height, they are mostly passed the golden age of their life ( and maybe they are out of shape by eating so much junks) or they want you to support them financially. Woman will ignore short men unless they are really someone. I mean if you own or manage a good business or you have high university degrees, you may have a chance but if you are an ordinary short boy, I would say even prostitutes wont look at you.

Media has an deep impact on today's life. I knew of girls were wishing to marry Korean men since the wave of romantic TV series coming from Korea. 

I personally no longer care about woman but males are dominant and where I live (where there is no law to protect you) when big males (most of them) see my smallish figure they think they can make me obey them.

Things are different place to place.






how are they different than any other woman? and at least in Iran they elected a "short" guy as president 10 years ago, you would never see that in the US or most of the western world