How high are the shelves in your home?

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How high are the shelves in your home?
post #1

I recently invested in a condominum in Brooklyn, NYC. The seller was a tall gentleman who showed me around prior to sale. I would say he was about 6'4. He installed some shelves and they were all very high, maybe at his eye level. Obviously, I feel uncomfortable with shelves being so high in my new apartment. I plan on removing the shelves, but replacing them much lower. I love his choice of shelves, they're just too high.


For those of you who install your own shelves and are short, how high do you have them in your home?

Short Vassal
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Re: How high are the shelves in your home?
post #2

Slightly above at eye level (see what I did there). I used conical anchors to get my shelves up. Hopefully I won't lose my security deposit for drilling into the wall in my apartment!