She says short men with attractive faces are a fail

Short Vassal
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Ridiculous Rants
She says short men with attractive faces are a fail
post #1

Short Men With A Face Card Are A Fail | Mari_Ummmm  | Height & Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

She says that a short man with an attractive face is a reminder that you can't have it all in life.

She's talking about this as if the topic is really that deep.

You can find her Tik-Tok video here


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Re: She says short men with attractive faces are a fail
post #2

it all depends on how short & how facially attractive a man is. there are women who would take a great looking 5'8 man over an average 6' guy & i have  even seen men of my height (5'6) who are so good looking that they are able to get very attractive GF's.  a 5'6 chadlet is of course going to have far fewer options than a 5'10+ chad but he will also have more options than an average at best 5'10 guy.  

anything under 5'6 is going to be exceptionally difficult regardless of how good looking he is though. in the US, at around 5'10 a mans height becomes a neutral attraction factor for many women with anything below that being a negative & anything above it a positive.  it's only when a man has all 3 cardinal genetic detriments of being short, bald & facially unfortunate that romantic love is entirely out of the question for him.

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Re: She says short men with attractive faces are a fail
post #3

I get what she's trying to say, but her video is a fail. It's a disappointment to her and there are plenty of women who think like her. Doesn't mean that every woman thinks like her though and I'm lucky to have dated plenty who don't have that mindset. 

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Re: She says short men with attractive faces are a fail
post #4

plenty is an understatement -from my experience it is the vast majority of women who have a similar mindset about what makes men attractive & what makes them unattractive. 

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Re: She says short men with attractive faces are a fail
post #5


Originally posted by ahimsa42

plenty is an understatement -from my experience it is the vast majority of women who have a similar mindset about what makes men attractive & what makes them unattractive. 

I get what you're saying, but what I am saying is that "I" have dated plenty. I know that might not be the same for you and many others. The fact that I said "plenty" cannot be dismissed as I do meet PLENTY who are okay with my height. 

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Re: She says short men with attractive faces are a fail
post #6


Originally posted by ShortNSmooth


Originally posted by ahimsa42

plenty is an understatement -from my experience it is the vast majority of women who have a similar mindset about what makes men attractive & what makes them unattractive. 

I get what you're saying, but what I am saying is that "I" have dated plenty. I know that might not be the same for you and many others. The fact that I said "plenty" cannot be dismissed as I do meet PLENTY who are okay with my height. 

consider yourself extremely fortunate then as according to a recent study, at 5'6 75% of women will reject a man based only on his height.  when you factor in other critical attributes it leaves a potential dating pool of only tiny percentage of women.