A man's upper body size matters not if he is under 6ft.

Short Vassal
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A man's upper body size matters not if he is under 6ft.
post #1

A Man's Upper Body Size Matters Not If He Is Under 6 Feet | Height And Studies | Short King | Short Kingz

A man's attractiveness is moot to women if he is under 180cm (6ft). There and above, their attractiveness, masculinity and fighting ability are considered and assumed should be above that height.

You can find the Sprigner Link study here.

Short Squire
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Re: A man's upper body size matters not if he is under 6ft.
post #2

This is in line with many women not being attracted to a shorter guy, even if he is built, but being okay with a taller man whether he is skinny, has a dad bod or is in shape.

Short Squire
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Re: A man's upper body size matters not if he is under 6ft.
post #3

I don't doubt the study results, but empirical evidence says otherwise chief. Working out will improve any man's chance and raise his SMV.

For a shorter guy, it would be like night and day. It won't make you get results like a tall conventionally attractive dude, but it will pique a woman's interest who is interested for sure.