Any chance Cosmopolitan will have a cover saying "Short Men Are Hot"?

Short Vassal
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Double Standards
Any chance Cosmopolitan will have a cover saying "Short Men Are Hot"?
post #1

Cosmopolitan Magazine | Body Positivity | This Is Healthy | Short King | Short Kingz

Apparently, Cosmopolitan Magazine ran these covers right after the pandemic (2021).

This is part of their push to change the narrative of what's attractive. At least, that's how I take it.

Any chance they will "push the boundaries" and influence their readers to love "short kings"?

I'm being sarcastic, but I couldn't help but look at these covers and laugh.

You can find the stories in Cosmopolitan here.

You can find an article from the Independent where they cover a defense of the cover by Cosmopolitan here

Short Squire
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Re: Any chance Cosmopolitan will have a cover saying "Short Men Are Hot"?
post #2

We can all agree this will never, ever happen.

At best, you'll get the occasional super-talented short guy in any entertainment sector who women will overlook their height (for the moment).

You'll never see a global campaign not just body acceptance for short dudes, but to attempt to change society's definition of attractiveness they way they're doing with fat women.