Looks like this heightist woman on Tinder was taught a lesson!

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Looks like this heightist woman on Tinder was taught a lesson!
post #1

Heightist Woman On Tinder Taught A Lesson | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz Heightist Woman On Tinder Taught A Lesson | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

Saw this conversation online. The guy was actually 5'6 and said he was 6'3, most likely because the woman lead with the "infamous question" to start the conversation. I guess personality isn't the top priority.

Award goes to this guy. He's a real one! 🏆


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Re: Looks like this heightist woman on Tinder was taught a lesson!
post #2

Dude dodged 1,000 bullets like Neo in the Matrix. 


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Re: Looks like this heightist woman on Tinder was taught a lesson!
post #3

What I like about this exchange is that when he said he was 6'3, she was relived and opened up.

We all know that her having three kids is going to be a negative to most guys.

If he ghosted her after she mentioned that tidbit, then I'd say him lying about being 6'3 was a good play.

Why? Because the feeling she would have being ghosted because she has kids (something she can't change that a lot of guys judge on) is exactly the same feeling a guy gets when he gets ghosted for being short (which is something he can't change).

Well done guy. Well done.

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Re: Looks like this heightist woman on Tinder was taught a lesson!
post #4

Why did this loser lady feel the need to disclose her chest size? Did he ask? 🤡

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Re: Looks like this heightist woman on Tinder was taught a lesson!
post #5


Originally posted by Desilou

Why did this loser lady feel the need to disclose her chest size? Did he ask? 🤡

This is type funny.

It's like she had to match the status conveyed by him being 6'3.

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Re: Looks like this heightist woman on Tinder was taught a lesson!
post #6

Give her credit for answering with her weight though because many would've ended the conversation there or cursed him out.

Guessing him being 6'3 gets him a pass on the weight question.

I'm 5'3 and 150lbs and that's because I work out and have a lot of muscle.

Pre-body building, I was 130lbs soaking wet and that was overweight for my height.

No way this woman is 5'4 and 160lbs thinking that's a flex. That's fat even with her chest size.