Tall and short women fighting over tall men on Instagram post

Short Squire
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Height Thirst
Tall and short women fighting over tall men on Instagram post
post #1

Tall And Short Women Fighting Over Tall Men On Instagram Post | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz Tall And Short Women Fighting Over Tall Men On Instagram Post | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz  Tall And Short Women Fighting Over Tall Men On Instagram Post | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

Tall And Short Women Fighting Over Tall Men On Instagram Post | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz Tall And Short Women Fighting Over Tall Men On Instagram Post | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz Tall And Short Women Fighting Over Tall Men On Instagram Post | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

Tall And Short Women Fighting Over Tall Men On Instagram Post | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz  Tall And Short Women Fighting Over Tall Men On Instagram Post | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz Tall And Short Women Fighting Over Tall Men On Instagram Post | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

Tall And Short Women Fighting Over Tall Men On Instagram Post | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

Brutal in every sense of the word. The whole thing could be mitigated if they weren't so fixated on sharing or only being open the same type of men.

Go figure.

Short Lord
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Re: Tall and short women fighting over tall men on Instagram post
post #2

May they all end up with bums they have to share directly or indirectly. 

Short Page
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Re: Tall and short women fighting over tall men on Instagram post
post #3

That it took 9 screenshots to show the depth of this conversation shows how unanware some of them are that they're all comepeting for a tiny subset of men.

Short Vassal
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Re: Tall and short women fighting over tall men on Instagram post
post #4

This is comedy gold.