Same 60 year old lady is bent on letting the world know 6 foot + only

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Same 60 year old lady is bent on letting the world know 6 foot + only
post #1

60 Year Old Woman Lets The World Know Short Men Aren't Desired | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short Men  | Short Kingz

Because the whole world asked her.....

Short Knight
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Re: Same 60 year old lady is bent on letting the world know 6 foot + only
post #2


Originally posted by RhettPaul

60 Year Old Woman Lets The World Know Short Men Aren't Desired | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short Men  | Short Kingz

Because the whole world asked her.....

I think her having a slim physique is what has her head gassed, thinking she's "entitled" to what she's asking for.